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Privacy  Policy

This page of primly contains the policies that are followed through by the company in order to provide you more personalized services. Moreover, the privacy policy describes how we deal with the information that are collected from your end.

Collection of personal information

Amigo Handyman Services collects a few personal details about the visitors and about the service hirers. These are solely collected keeping an enhanced quality and customized performance in mind. We honor your privacy and all the information that are collected are dealt with only by the official personnel.

The details are gathered from the forms that are filled up by the customers and visitors. We solely use those details for the purpose of providing you the advanced and customized services and not for any third party promotions. The details are used only by the Amigo personnel and related to Amigo work only.

Data that we collect

A few personal information that we collect from the customers are:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Contact details
  • Email address

Protecting client details

We are always concerned about protecting the client information and their interest from any abusive uses. All the data are stored in our personalized database and the authority of using those details is restricted only to a few personnel. We run regular scanning for the databases that prevents malware attacks.

Amigo Handymen Services doesn’t use cookies for collecting customer details