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Amigo’s  Projects

Bathroom fitted with white diamond PVC panels.

Protect the aesthetic constructions

If you are looking forward to protect all the different types of aesthetic constructions in your house, mainly that are on the walls, PVC Cladding would certainly be the best selection for your needs. This will not only protect the construction but, will minimize the requirement of frequent maintenance as well. When the job is done with our skilled professionals, you can rest assured about the successful accomplishment.

Remodeling the full hallway.

Enjoy innovative electrical renovation

Every house has specific electrical needs. Most of the time, it is regarding the maintenance and solving the issue then and there is of utmost importance. You can get in touch with Amigo Handyman Service for a quick and effective solution. Moreover, we also have expert professionals to perform various types of innovative electrical jobs in your house. Know more by contacting us.

Remodeling Full living room favourited your photo.

Proper installation of Television

A flat screen television on the walls of your living room may be a gorgeous thing but the process of installation should be performed only by the experienced persons to prevent unexpected situations. Here at Amigo Handyman Service you receive best installation assistance. We have experienced professionals to make sure the installation is appropriate and you can enjoy some fun time with your family.

Full house painted and glossed.

Get your house painted and decorated

Paint the entire house is an effective part of maintenance and this prevents slots of damaging effects for the house. We paint and decorate house. Along with beautiful painting for both the interior and exterior part of the house, you can have innovative decoration done in the house with our professional handyman.

White oak wpc luxury flooring fitted.

Flooring to serve all purposes

The flooring of a house holds enormous importance since this encounters maximum footsteps all throughout. Whether you opt for hard wood flooring, or tiles or mosaic, we have the best solutions for you and all the tasks are performed by the experienced professionals.

Fence built and painted with natural oak.

Feel the nature at house

Adding a piece of nature in the house is now possible with gardening and landscaping in the house. This requires special excellence to perform the task and that you can receive from Amigo Handyman Service. We have specialist professionals to perform a perfect gardening at your house and as per your preferences.

Living room Makeover.

Get the odd jobs done right

Aside from maintenance, repair work and others interior works, there are various jobs that are necessary to be performed in the house, we call them odd jobs and you can call us to accomplish those critical tasks in the house. Whatever your problem is, you will receive only the best solution from us.